Many people fear the idea of a One World Government, but I think that the way the entire world is reacting to Russia's War on Ukraine proves that we do need to have some form of a Globally Ordained Democracy, aka, GOD. ;)
I say this because there seems to be a total consensus in the USA between the most hawkish, nationalist-capitalist patriots and the most pacifist, socialists on the issue of Russia’s War on Ukraine…
Everyone agrees that these nuclear powers can’t enter armed conflict because if they did then nuclear war would be inevitable and that is apparently the one thing that everyone can unite upon opposing as unacceptable. Even the stoners agree!
But does that mean that, from here forward, power-mad world leaders like Putin can just take what they want by using the threat of nuclear weapons? At this point the answer is yes-ish…
That’s why the United Nations needs to have real teeth as a global authority.
No one in Alabama thinks they live in the exact same legal system as the people in California do. But they all do live under the same federal guidelines and that makes life better for everyone in the end.
In an internet driven, nuclear world, it is in everyone’s best interest to have a more substantial global governmental structure than we have right now.