Monday, August 16, 2021

How to win the drug war and get rich trying...

How to win the drug war and get rich trying...
Virtually all of the social violence in the United States today (and the whole world) is directly or indirectly linked to the fact that the poppy plant and coca plant and marijuana plants are popular and so are their derivatives... But they are totally illegal, therefore creating an entire alternative universe where drug lords and drug gangs are the government. Since these drugs cost fractions of a penny on a dollar to produce versus the selling price, the idea of society trying to block access to these hugely popular drugs is truly a crazy idea. The enforcement measures are a governmental cancer on our planet.
We should legalize the poppy plant the coca plant and the marijuana plant and their derivatives and control and regulate access to the various versions of these drugs. That is exactly how we handle other drugs or pharmaceuticals. It is the way we handle cigarettes and alcohol for that matter.
If we were to do this it would solve most of the problems in the world today. 

Give the people what they demand safely and redirect the the monies from the drug lords to the healthcare system.

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